The Society for Post-Supersessionist Theology exists in order to promote research and discussion that advances post-supersessionist thought. The Society understands post-supersessionism as a family of theological perspectives that affirms God’s irrevocable covenant with the Jewish people as a central and coherent part of ecclesial teaching. It seeks to overcome understandings of the New Covenant that entail the abrogation or obsolescence of God’s covenant with the Jewish people, of the Torah as a demarcator of Jewish communal identity, or of the Jewish people themselves.
The Society welcomes participation from all who seek to advance post-supersessionist theology. It especially seeks to promote perspectives that remain faithful to core Christological convictions; that affirm the ecclesia’s identity as a table fellowship of Jews and Gentiles united in the Messiah; and that engage with Jewish thought and tradition as an expression of ecclesial partnership with the Jewish people as a whole.
The society welcomes two forms of affiliation: Members and Friends. Anyone may become a member of the society who is in agreement with the society's mission. In addition, anyone may become a friend of the society who supports the society's work of promoting post-supersessionist theology, even if they are not in agreement with all aspects of the mission statement.
If you are interested in joining the society as a Member or Friend, please click here.
Founding Members
R. Kendall Soulen
Mark Kinzer
David Rudolph
Holly Taylor Coolman
Gerald McDermott
William Abraham
Gary Anderson
Craig Blaising
Jeroen Bol
Ellen Charry
Gavin D'Costa
Tommy Givens
Justin Hardin
Douglas Harink
Stanley Hauerwas
Kevin Hughes
George Hunsinger
Willie Jennings
Craig Keener
Joseph Mangina
Ephraim Radner
Anders Runesson
Katherine Sonderegger
J. Brian Tucker
Pim Valkenberg
Tom Weinandy
Joel Willitts
Founding Friends
Mark Nanos
Gene Rogers